Mr. Blade® Program utilizes Martin® Belt Cleaners and N2 Technology to Improve Safety and Efficiency at a Limestone Plant
Product Types Used Belt Cleaning Solutions
Industry Aggregate
Customer Limestone Aaggregate Processing Facility


A limestone aggregate processing facility in the southern U.S. operates primary and secondary plants capable of handling 19 million tons per year of material. The existing belt cleaners on the facility's 59 conveyors were under-performing, causing carryback on the return side, build-up on return rollers and tracking issues. Fugitive material would fall off the elevated structure and the build-up created a potential safety hazard, with chunks weighing as much as 80 pounds falling from the belt. The piles that built up beneath the structure could reach 15 feet in height, requiring constant cleanup by maintenance personnel who had to be diverted from more essential tasks.

Carryback on the belt's return side was so extreme that large chunks of material would fall from the structure.


Mr. Blade technicians first concentrated on getting all of the cleaners functioning properly. Each one was tagged and serviced to address the most immediate issues and prevent injuries from falling material. Once that was accomplished, they began retrofitting all of the existing cleaner assemblies with Martin blades. Once done, the technicians began installing N2 Position Indicators on each one to monitor cleaner condition and allow remote access to data. The PI assemblies were installed free of charge as part of the Mr. Blade agreement, and Martin technicians have taken responsibility for monitoring and servicing the cleaners as needed, relieving plant personnel from time-intensive inspection and maintenance.

Mr. Blade technicians were able to address the cleaning issues and prevent the huge piles of build-up.


The improvements were immediately apparent, with the return side showing very little carryback. The hazard from falling material was virtually eliminated, and the piles of accumulation no longer collected beneath the structures. The success was repeated on all 59 conveyors, and material remained in the cargo flow instead of spilling onto the ground. Valuable man hours no longer had to be dedicated to constant cleanup, and the time could be redirected to more productive tasks. The results were so impressive that one of the operators stated, "We just could not get that belt clean, and you came in and fixed it right away. We no longer have to clean under the belts each day. Thanks!"

Cleaning success is confirmed on all 59 conveyors, which were also outfitted with Martin Position Indicators
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